The Women's Ministry is an active and vital part of LCCC. We want to celebrate woman of all ages, stages together to journey the seasons of life together. Our focus is serving the needs of the women in the church and in the community through a variety of programs.
Ladies of all ages are invited to join our SISTER-TO-SISTER group! We meet in person or virtually to enjoy good conversation, laughs, hobbies—whatever interests you want to share. This is a great way to encourage one another in our walk with Christ and also an opportunity for our older generation to mentor the younger ladies.
Be part of an authentic community of women helping to support, encourage and develop each other. Stay connected and up-to-date on the latest Women’s news and events.
We meet every Wednesday from 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM in the Conference Room at Las Cruces Church of Christ ( 2025 N. Valley Drive).
Study Topic: The Well-Watered Woman by Gretchen Saffles ( )
Join us for our annual Ladies Day!
We have something special planned and we would love for you to join us. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, join in some fun activities, and learn more about our faith.
Women's Ministry Coordinator
Frankie Lawrence