In 1967, Christians at the Montgomery Blvd Church of Christ in Albuquerque, New Mexico opened the Church of Christ Bible College. Back then, few would imagine the school would grow to become Manzini Bible School and, now, African Christian College with alumni from throughout Africa serving God’s kingdom.

What would have been even more unimaginable in 1967? 14,000 macadamia trees on the campus that help provide employment and revenue for the college’s operation. On September 7‐10, 2017, hundreds of alumni, students, former staff, board members, and Christians from Southern Africa gathered on the African Christian College campus to celebrate fifty years of God at work.

Attendees were encouraged with biblical lessons from great speakers – including special guests Jerry Taylor and Rick Atchley who led a seminar for preachers the first day – and everyone was uplifted by inspiring worship.

Liberia, Africa

We're so thankful to God for the recent efforts happening in Libera, Africa. We recently got a report from Edmund Borfay about all the activities in sharing the word of God.(Activities listed below.) Edmund asks us to continuing our prayers and financial support. Everyone’s financial blessings are taking care of their needs from providing bibles to building church’s. If you would like more details about this non-local mission, check out the newsletters below.

Mission Activities

•Back to the Bible Campaign

•Back to the Bible Campaign Workshop

•Evangelism in Rural and Urban Areas 

•Construction Work

•Radio Ministry

•Campus Ministry 

•Graduation Programs

•Children’s Party & Feeding Program

•Baptism New Members

Find out more by clicking on the buttons below!


We have several individuals from our congregation who have volunteered to be a part of a BEYM team formed with people around the USA. By Example Youth Missions (BEYM) which is a volunteer-led, non-profit organization dedicated in continuing the mission of teaching God’s word through principles for the daily lives of children in a fun, relaxed camp environment. A mission that started over a decade ago, as a response to God’s call to change the future of an entire nation in the middle of Europe, Ukraine. Currently, we have been unable to go to the youth camps in Ukraine due to not only COVI-19 but including the situation between Ukraine and Russia in the beginning of 2022.

We have been trying to maintain some measure of contact with all our friends in Ukraine.  The news comes to us excruciatingly sporadically, but we have confirmed that all of our friends are safe.  Of course, their situations vary, depending on where they are at the moment but that has not stopped us in supporting them in different ways.


Contact Email:

Eastern European Missions 2024 Impact Report (

Porto Velho, Brazil

We are supporting a group of missionaries who have traveled from the United States to Porto Velho, Brazil to preach the Gospel and establish a church in a city with more than 470 thousand people.

Check out there progress in Porto Velho and all the other cities they have established a Church of Christ and find out how you can help by clicking the buttons below.

Ephangwen Church of Christ

We supported Ephangwen Church of Christ by providing supplies to finish up the roof of there church building. Below are video messages sent to us about how much they appreciate what we have done for them and the Ephangwen community through our contact.


LCCC participates long term investments in the Mexican church projects across Mexico, to assist communities in rebuilding structures, water and electrical systems, as well as spiritual community growth.


Mexico Mission Info 2024

We have a long history of helping fund construction projects for churches in Mexico.

This past year our funds went to help churches in the city of Saltillo which is the capital of the state of Coahuila. Coahuila has a population of over one million in the metropolitan area. These funds are being used to repair a roof in General Cepeda, a town a few miles from Saltillo.

Thank you for your contributions to the Mexico work. The recipients are accountable for the funds and God is glorified.


World Christian Broadcasting

World Christian Broadcasting is a non-profit organization supported by concerned Christians whose purpose is to take God’s Word—through mass media—to people who may have no other means of hearing the Good News. World Christian Broadcasting’s international shortwave broadcasting communicates the Good News to millions every day. Through these shortwave transmissions, they can blanket virtually the entire inhabited world. By speaking in people’s own language, forming friendships, and creating bonds of trust, World Christian Broadcasting sparks hope, interest, and curiosity among listeners.


Gospel Rescue Mission (GRM) is a shelter that offers Christian guidance, provides emergency food and lodging services 24 hours every day, uses no tax dollars, and seeks to re-assimilate the less fortunate into productive society.

Gospel Rescue Mission always needs additional funds and is an on-going project for our Taste & Works Fellowship Group. If you would like to contribute, mark your check “GRM.” and add it to the contribution box on Sunday.



The “Treasure Chest” in the foyer is for toiletry items such as lotion, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner for Gospel Rescue Mission and Tent City.


There is a large bin located in the Fellowship Hall for GRM. They are asking for donations of clothing (especially warm clothing), shoes, and bedding. If you would like to contribute, please bag your items in a plastic bag before depositing them in the bin.