Our Mission


To encourage our children to know and love God. We want our families at Las Cruces Church of Christ to be connected to God’s Word and each other.  Children are the future of our church, and it is important to us that they have their own special relationship with God the Father.

The Lil’ Sprouts

Birth- 2 years old

In our Nursery, it is our desire to provide loving care for infants and toddlers (birth – 2 years) in a safe, secure, nurturing, clean environment. Parents can drop off little ones and attend our morning class and worship service with peace of mind. We see the Nursery as a child's first step toward a relationship with Christ. As infants and toddlers learn to trust those who take care of them, their hearts prepare to have faith in God, who loves and cares for them.



3 years old- kindergarten

Hop on over to our classroom with your little froggies and check out our class! The FROGs class is for 3-years-old through kindergarten. It is a place where we can learn more about Jesus and how to Fully Rely On God! We’re excited to introduce this new class, and we hope you and your little ones are too!


2:52 Crew

1st Grade - 5th Grade

We have a morning class beginning at 9:15 AM, in which we work on projects for our community, such as making cards for the Children’s Hospital, crafts for veterans, and blankets for animal shelters, etc.

We also have Children’s Worship during service. In this class we follow The Story curriculum by doing lessons, crafts, activities, and games, using a multi-disciplinary approach. Children are able to learn God’s word in a fun way, while also discovering the talents and passions God gave them.


Your First Visit

Here's what to expect when visiting Children’s Worship for the first time:

**After communion, children will exit the auditorium through the hall door by the AV room. They will follow the road lines down the hallway until they reach their according classroom.

Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):

  • Parent/guardian name(s)

  • Child's name

  • Child's birth date

  • Home address

  • Phone number

Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children.